Here is a peek into our garden:
The boys working on our square foot garden bed!
Mom and I planted some lavendar and dahliahs. I took her advice and started lining the flower bed with old plates. I think it looks cute.
My parents brought us some ferns from their yard to plant along with several flowers. Last year Scott lined our flower beds with wine bottles. Don't worry we didn't drink all of them. We would get empty bottles when we would visit local wineries. 99% of them are Missouri Wine bottles. We love our Missouri wine. That is also a head of Andrew Jackson that we found last year while digging up a flower bed. So strange, but I made sure to keep him in our garden!
Boomer would not stop laying on the lavendar. Once I moved him off he decided he would lay as close as possible to it. So silly! Mark was so sweet and fixed our bottom step on our back deck! Thanks Mark!
We finally hung our house number sign that my mom made us! And I put some extra touches to our front porch.
After the sun went down we grilled and enjoyed a bottle of wine, while I mapped out our garden.
Sunday we got up and planted our seeds in the garden. Poot also made me a cage with a door over our strawberry plants. That little area with the strawberries is now our "berry patch". We planted two blueberry bushes and another raspberry bush! Yum!!
With almost three acres we are no where near being finished but we are enjoying every bit of our hard work. We have been enjoying the evenings watering everything and sitting outside dreaming, catching up on our day, and planning more projects. We can't wait for our garden to start producing yummy veggies! It will cut back drasticly on our grocery bills. I think in the weeks to come I might but together a week of our home cooked meals. We love cooking at home and try to make everything organic while staying on a budget. Would anyone be interested in a post on this??
you just found a random head of andrew jackson? that's the coolest.
i'm anxiously awaiting the take-off of scott's winery career. i've got the fan club and shirts ready to go the moment he says when.
and i will totally get him to sing at my wedding if eddie van halen is unavailable. it would be awesome!
Your garden is going to be amazing!! I am interested in your posts about cooking organically while on a budget. That is something me & my husband are definitely interested in learning about :)
First off, I love how random it is that you found an Andrew Jackson head! I also really like the idea of lining your garden with old plates.
I would love to read your posts about cooking organic while on a budget as well. Have a great day Amber!
Amber the gardens are looking great! I love the plate and bottle edging for your beds.
I am looking forward to watching your garden grow with you :)
P.S. LOVE!!! the house number plaque your mom made!!
OMG!!! Loove it!! Those old plates are SUCH a great touch! What a wonderful idea! I looove that you found Andrew Jackson's head in the ground, lol. That's too funny! I love your garden! We need to do something like that! I'd love to grow some veggies! The boys would have so much fun with that too! LOOOOVE the wine bottle idea too!!!! Ideas....
Hope you have a great day! xoxo
That was a fun day! I have some astilbe for you that you can put in the shade.
a post on food? but of course... your garden in lovely and i love the old dishes idea! too cute!
I really love it all! The cage on the berries impresses me, is that for squirrels and raccoon lavenard ns? The box-o-veggies is cool too. The dishes are really neat looking and they match the address sign your mom made. She's a crafty one huh? Now Boomer on the other hand is going to kill your lavender - a different kinda crafty ;)
It looks awesome and I would love a post on cooking healthy - I try but I'm not very good - I want to be better :)
oh your garden is great! The dishes are a great idea!
Love the dishes!!! It is awesome. Oh when I asked if there were christmas light in the wine bottles...maybe you guys could just wrap them around the bottles. That might still look cool! Just a thought. Walmart after christmas you can get light for like .25 a box!!
Love the garden and the are so artsy!!!! :D
Keep up the awesome work!
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