and finished it...
I LOVE the colors in this yarn!!
I went and saw Poot in A Midsummer Night's Dream. I love this sketch of his costume when he is turned into a donkey...

Poot worked on a presentation for his German Drama class. He is ending it with this slide while a David Hasselhoff song is playing! It is never a dull moment around here with him.
My parents took me to see Mando Saenz in concert. He was amazing! And such a sweet guy too! If you haven't heard any of his music, go to his website now! You won't regret it. He has such a unique voice!
This awesome painting was hanging at the venue where Mando played...
Love me some Elvis!!
I also...
*worked on another giant granny afghan (almost done and then I will post pics)
*ate some KC bbq with Poot
*and did some christmas shopping!
How was your weekend??
We had Polk County bbq, which I'm going to assume is similar to KC bbq lol ;)
First- you're cowl is perfect! That yarn is really great! I don't know what to do with mine yet lol
oh Poot and his hilariousness! Such a weird, creepy Hof lol
Has Poot heard of Krampus? Ask him!
I'm going to that guys site now - he looks hippish ;)
woot woot for Elvis!! :)
Love the cowl! Great colors!
I met David Hasselhoff once. He was very tall and wearing a lot of foundation.
I love that you met the Hoff!!! He he!
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