These chairs were just hanging out on the sidewalk outside of the town diner, and I wanted to take them home with me so bad! I was good though!
With such a long car ride, Mom and I of course packed some crocheting to keep us entertained. I worked on a shrug for myself...
And mom worked on the most adorable granny square apron...
Once we checked into our hotel, we were off hitting as many antique stores that we could! One of my favorite things to do while thrifting is of course taking some silly pictures...
We even took a normal one ...
Wichita has some amazing antique shops and we will definitely be heading back soon. We didn't come back with too much. We started a collection of vintage children's books for our future lil' poot.
One of the main things I was looking for on this trip was a plant stand. I had seen a picutre of a vintage one recently that I was hoping to come across. We searched for almost two hours and only made it half way through one antique shop and I didn't really see any in the style I wanted. We decided we would head back the next morning and to go through the rest of the shop. On our way out, we came across the exact plant stand I had in mind!!! And it was 10% off of an already super cheap price. Needless to say I was extremely happy!
I promptly came home and put all my pretty flowers on display! Now I smile everytime I walk out my front door!
Thanks Mom and Dad for a fun little getaway! We had a blast! Love you bunches!
LOVE all of your finds and the photos of your thrifted adventures. New follower here, I'll be back to read more :)
How awesome is that plant stand!! And I love that you guys are collecting vintage books! :) I'll have to remember that ;)
The Poot photos crack me up!! Geez!
Your mom is so talented! Love that apron! She has a tiny little waist!
Your weekend looks awesome! :)
omg I am so jealous of that plant stand I am looking for something just like it!!!! It looks great :)
That was fun! Let's do it again!
I bought this same planter at a flea market in Independence. I had also been looking for one like it for a long time. Looks awesome with your pretty flowers on it!
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