Yep...any of these would be just fine with me!!
This weekend will include:
*a girls night out
*a free yoga class
*yard work
*craft room cleaning
*The Kentucky Derby
*snuggle time with Poot
*dinner with MIL
*some country driving with Poot
What does your weekend look like??
New follower here.. :D you have a cute blog.
And.. 5th picture down.. the porch swing right next to the forest? Amazing! I want to live there!
great weekend plans & i just love porches :D
We're celebrating Queensday today in the Netherlands i wrote a little here http://www.birdsofafeahter.blogspot.com/ and i will on my own blog today :D And for the rest... i've nothing planned... like it!!
Have a great weekend! X
ps the last photo is one of my favs i posted it a while back on my own blog :D
oh that last porch is my favorite! i want one!
i decided that this is a weekend for finishing. i vow to not start any new projects until I finish up all the old ones. *grin* hope your weekend is fantastic!
I am 100% with you!! I LOVE porches so much! The house I grew up in had a porch with a swing! Now our porch is on the by of the home and last year I bought a big hammock for it! It's pretty perfect :)
My weekend will include my siblings coming home and sunshine and wakeboarding :)
Yep! That would be so totally nice to sit out there with some tea:) Instead I'm faced with a cup of burnt tea (yes I burnt it by over heating it in the micro), in front of this screen-but at least I found this fabulous blog and I can daydream right along with you:)
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