Today has been an amazing Saturday!! It started out with a free yoga class to celebrate the Zona Yoga studios one year anniversary. After the class they had a New Age arts fair, where I had some reflexology done on my feet and had a painting done of my aura. I was a little skeptical but it turned out pretty cool!
The artist said that I had problems with actually speaking my mind and that I needed to let it out. She also went on to say that when I do let it out you better watch out because I am fiesty!! Ha...very true.
After the yoga class, Poot and I headed out for a little country driving! This is one of my favorite things to do in the summer. Today we headed up to Weston, MO. On the way up we passed through a little town named Farley! I immediately thought of Becky!!! So Becky these are for you:
We stopped at this cute roadside greenhouse and picked up some tomatoe plants, seeds for our garden, and flowers!
One of my favorite things about Weston are the houses! I can be entertained for hours driving around looking at houses. Here are a couple of my favorites:
Of course you have to listen to some good music. We rocked out to a little Guns and Roses...
After driving through Weston we headed to Atchison, KS and the only way there is across a very scary bridge over the Missouri River.
In Atchison you can visit the home of Amelia Earhart which overlooks the river:
We had dinner in a haunted restaraunt (Atchison has haunted tours of the town every Halloween!!)
We had high hopes for this place but as you can guess by the title of this post, "the balls were the best thing on the menu!"
The description on the menu cracked me up! Since one of Scotts favorite shows is Bizarre Foods, he had to try them.
With a little encouragement I tried one...
Needless to say it will be the last one too. My dinner was terrible and can honestly say that "the balls were the best thing on the menu!"
The sky was so beautiful on our way home:
To make up for our gross dinner Poot treated us to a little DQ!
We are going to end our Saturday by snuggling and watching a little Mad Men on dvd!!
aww, sounds like you guys had a perfect day.
and with balls too!
I wrote out a whole long comment then the iPhone did something crazy:(
mostly it said you're the best for sending those farley photos to me! I sent them to my whole family :) and that you two poots are way too cute oh and I think it's super cool you saw Amelia earhart's house! And what is reflexology and where can I get my foot aura painted lol ;)
Haha, looks like a wonderful day out!
Loved the pics and your yellow earring! <3
you guys always look like ya'll have the best time!
I've never tried balls :) I don't think I will anytime soon, either.
I just came over to say thank you for your sweet comment, I really appreciate it. I'm glad you liked the enchiladas!! Have a wonderful day :)
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