1. Read 8 books
2. Open my vintage etsy shop
3. Camp at Arrow Rock, MO
4. Have a picnic with poot
5. Save money for a beach vacation or to visit my brother in Spain in 2011
6. Host a roller skating party
7. Plant a square foot garden
8. Crochet an afghan for US!
9. Open my crafting etsy shop
10. Visit my blogging friends
11. Start an at home yoga or pilates routine
12. Redo our kitchen
13. Take a weekend wine trip
14. Start a book club
15. Complete two small albums
16. Visit the Omaha Zoo with my parents
17. See the Flaming Lips live
18. Make my first quilt
19. Spend a Sunday with Poot driving in the country
20. Run a mile without stopping
21. Celebrate our anniversary in Eureka Springs
22. Simplify Two Poots Manor
23. Host 3-4 more swaps on Hoot-N-Annie
24. Attend family reunion in Texas
25. Spend a girls day with my mom thriftin
26. Revamp our diet to mainly local and organic food
27. Go to the drive in with Poot
28. Crochet drapey vest in March/April Crochet Today
29. Redecorate the sunroom ie: find a daybed
30. Plant a new tree at Poot Manor
I had meant to write this up around my birthday but never did. I finally finished my list and thought I would share with everyone. These are some goals I have set for myself to accomplish before I turn 34 in February!!
*Highlighted indicates I have accomplished them* Yep just one but hey... I had fun accomplishing it! It was so hard:) Ha!
What do your dreams/goals look like?
Hahah your one accomplishment is awesome! I'm going to have to make a list like this now..
That's quite a list you've got there girlie! Glad I'm included.
what a great post! Awsome that you have one crossed off already!!!
I love your list I can't wait to see you get it all done!
Great list! Tho I think my fave is #10! ;)
Oh I do wish we lived near each other!!! I'd do pilates with you (not alone lol bc I'm lazy) I'd come to your roller skating party! Go camping -we camp and I love it surprisingly lol I'd help you eat organic too! I sneak organic food into our diet and normally it goes completely unnoticed, but the other day he was like is this organic chicken? lol bc the price is like double! Oh well I win because I do the shopping lol so organic chicken or no chicken ;)
ps you're right about Martha (or her underlings lol) they don't mention the HUGE mess involved in the crafting
wait what's MIL? lol
Becky it stands for mother in law. Well that is what it means to me. Poot asked me the other day what it meant too. He thought it might stand for "my in laws" which I thought was pretty good too. Ha!!
Good luck with your goals!! Keep us posted on how it goes!
okay, seriously. this is the greatest list i've read. almost all of those things i was like, "i wanna do that too!". except the stuff that involved your poot. because he and i don't date.
i'm bummed that i never got your card! the nixa address is the right one, so somebody probably saw our names on it, factored in our cool levels, and stole it.
i mean, that's my best guess :).
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