I love lists and the act of crossing things off them. I am starting with our kitchen and took some pictures of the before and plan on working on it this week. I will post them after I organize the area. Show the before and afters!
While I worked on cleaning, Poot worked outside preparing our garden.
Our kitties enjoyed the sun...
while I took some pictures of the daliah that Scott bought me at the little roadside greenhouse.
Needless to say after the 30 minute hail storm we had last night there are no more petals on my daliah!
It looked like our back porch was covered in snow after it was all over. Got to love Midwest thunderstorms.
On Sunday's I like to plan out our meals for the week and do our grocery shopping. I have been really trying to get all processed foods out of our house. I want to start buying local organic produce until our garden is up and growing!! I had Scott sit down and watch Food, Inc with me. He was just as upset as me when it was over. I obviously have a long way to go considering our meal Saturday night, but I am ready to start making simple meals using our own ingredients from our yard or a local farmer.
For breakfast I usually have my gluten free chex cereal with a sliced banana. I decided this week to make a batch of homemade granola for my breakfast. It is delicious and gluten free!!! I thought I would share the recipe. It makes a lot so you can eat on it all week. It is a great snack too!
Homemade Granola
2 Cups of certified gluten free oats (or regular oats if your diet allows)
1/4 cup flax seeds
1/4 cup sunflower seeds
1/4 cup shredded coconut
1/4 cup raisins
1/4 cup mini chocolate chips
1/2 cup sliced almonds
1/2 cup organic natural crunchy peanut butter
1/2 cup of honey (local is best)
1/2 tsp of vanilla
5 tbsp of butter
Combine all the dry ingredients into a large bowl.
In a small saucepan, combine the peanut butter, honey, butter, and vanilla.
Once it has melted, mix in with the dry ingredients until the oat mixture is moistened.
Press the granola in a shallow pan lined with parchment paper. Bake for 30 minutes at 300 degrees.
*The granola will get crisper and crunchier as it cools. Cool for at least 20 minutes and store in a sealed container.
The granola is Poot approved!
It really is delicious!!
Oh is anyone watching the tv show Parenthood?? I love it!! It seems everytime I love a new show it gets cancelled. So if you haven't given it a shot...please do!!I want it to survive for awhile! We are watching the original Parenthood movie right now. I had never seen it before. So far so good!!
Well...hope everyone had a beautiful Monday!!
I never got your birthday card. sad faces all around. but happy faces that you thought of me and sent one!
ugh i hate midwest storms. you'll have a few days of perfect weather, and then you have to pay for it. no fair!
i love making home made granola, and this recipe hits the charts. def going to try it!
i got your pillow cases in the mail today and i am in love and soooo happy! you sent great ones! i cant wait to get started on your top! email me some details about what you want, like straps or pockets/patches, etc. i love the one you picked! thank you sooooo much! i will make great use of these!
big love,
Wow, we never had any of the hail here. I'm glad. The granola looked good.
That granola looks yummy!! I LOVE the show Parenthood! I hope it doesn't get cancelled either! I don't get into a lot of shows but I do like this one a lot! I love to watch the Biggest Loser & then Parenthood and crochet. It's 3 hours of uninterrupted crochet time! :)
First- do you watch Hoarders (on TLC) lol that will make you clean everything!!! At least it does me lol - that show completely freaks me out and makes me laugh - people are SO crazy lol!
Second - I got a little green house to try growing seeds too. A little project for the gang. ps your cats are kinda cute - you know for cats ;)
You had hail - that's nuts!!!
Last - that granola looks so good :)
YES to Parenthood... also, do you watch Modern Family? It's hilarious.
ANd mmmm granoly.
I LOVE lists and your has inspired me to make one for my house!! and I seriously want some of that granola! YUM!!!!
Carol- I am on the couch every Tuesday night crocheting from usually 7-midnight! That is my tv night. We watch Biggest Loser, Parenthood, American Idol, and Glee. Thank goodness for the dvr. It is a great way to get in some crocheting for sure!
Becky-I have seen a couple episodes of Hoarders and I think I sit with in amazement the whole time. It is crazy and sad! So glad that my kitties are kind of growing on you. Before to long you will be wanting one. Ha!
Christina-I have not seen Modern Family but I have heard it is very funny! I will have to check it out.
Lindsay- Lists rock!! Ha! We might be nerds but hey we are organized nerds. You need to try the granola my coworkers are going crazy over it today!
First time reader, here! I followed you over from Aura's blog. :)
I make the same lists all the time. I think I made that exact one a few months ago when we listed our house for sale..Its much more manageable now that's for sure.
I have not seen Food Inc. yet but it sounds right up my alley, I need to see it! Also a big fan of Parenthood! I have 4 episodes on my DVR waiting for me!
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