I can officially cross of Week One of the Couch to 5K program off my to do list!! I love the app and actually look forward to my next workout.What?? This is unheard of! Lol!
The first day was actually really easy, so I thought the second workout would be just as easy. I learned that day that I can't workout after dinner. Even though I waited an hour and a half before heading to the gym, I still felt sluggish and a little off. I find that I am more in the zone if I go first thing in the morning or right after work. Just a small little snack before hand keeps me energized until dinner. What time of day to you like working out? I wish I could get myself trained to go in the morning, because I love getting it out of the way first thing, but I will be honest and say I am NOT a morning person.
Since I really want to lose some extra poundage, I am also doing 30 mins on the elliptical afterwards. I have noticed that I am not struggling as much on the elliptical after running! I am amped up and ready to watch all the calories I am burning. It is such a great feeling!
So have you joined the Couch to 5K?? I would love to hear where you are at in the program and any tips you might have!! I will be back next week to report how week two went!! I will be out of town while doing week two, but have already confirmed that our hotel has a gym!! Yes!!
way to go!!!
Great job!!
I love that program! It made me a runner! :)
Can't wait for your updates!
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