This past Saturday I had a little Craft Day get together at Poot Manor. I had two projects I wanted to work on and I can proudly say that I completed both of them!! The first project was bleach painting a tshirt! I had seen this all over Pinterest and a few blogs and knew that I wanted to create my own unique tshirt. It took a little time and patience but it was worth it.
Supplies Needed:
**plain tshirt or tank
**glass container
**fabric safe bleach
**a couple of old paint brushes
**safety pins
Place a piece of cardboard in between your tshirt and secure the tshirt tightly in the back with safety pins. Decide what you want to draw or write on your shirt and sketch it on with chalk. Pour some bleach into your glass container. Dip brush into bleach and run it up the side of the jar to get off any excess bleach (keeps it from dripping). Slowly start painting over what you drew, reloading your brush often. Let your desing dry and continue to go back over your design until it is the color you want. I had to go over mine several times. Once you are done, handwash and air dry. Your design should be set now.
Here is my finished design:
I will be posting soon about my other project...yarn dyeing with Kool Aid.
My friend Shannon decided to make a little tree art out of the tree that uprooted this Spring in our back yard. She is making prints for several wedding gifts this summer! I can't wait to make a little something for Poot Manor out of our tree too!
I just love that she was able to make something pretty out of something that caused so much damage! Lol!
I look forward to more Craft Days soon!!!
Just discovered your it! Also LOVE that bleach painted tee, I am definitely going to try it!
Can't wait to read more.
Steph from :)
Very cute shirt Amber.
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