*This was my favorite thing in my stocking. Scott calls it my "sexy candy"*

*Poot loved his "Man Bait" maple bacon flavored sucker that I found in the Jefferson General Store in Texas*

*Scott modeling his fancy new vest I got him...He is going to look so handsome in it*

*My favorite gift was this vintage record player!! Scott searched all day long treking through several thrift stores before coming across this one. It works too...and it goes so well in our living room!!*

*We woke up Christmas morning to find all this snow! So pretty! This is my mother in laws back porch.*

*This is the light display my mother in law has in her front yard this year! Too funny!!*

*Modeling my new hat from Poot. Doesn't it go well with my Christmas outfit?*

*This is what we found when we finally made it home this weekend. Tons of snow between our screen door and front door!!*
I will be posting more later! I have so many pictures and we were so blessed to be able to spend time with all of our families this weekend! I can't believe tomorrow is New Years Eve! So crazy! How are you spending New Years Eve?
that hat is so cute! Love his vest! :) I can't believe its snowing...AGAIN! PS-I left you an award on my blog. :)
I LOVE your hat!!! Plus I love that dress you are wearing with it. Very cute
I am very jealous of the record player i have been wanting on too!
I love the sexy candy!
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