Thursday, April 29, 2010


The weather here today was perfect. The kind of day that makes you want to sit outside on the porch, sipping sweet tea, reading, and just taking in all the sun! I have always dreamed of having a big sun porch! Any of these would be fine:

Yep...any of these would be just fine with me!!

This weekend will include:
*a girls night out
*a free yoga class
*yard work
*craft room cleaning
*The Kentucky Derby
*snuggle time with Poot
*dinner with MIL
*some country driving with Poot
What does your weekend look like??



Delirium said...

New follower here.. :D you have a cute blog.

And.. 5th picture down.. the porch swing right next to the forest? Amazing! I want to live there!


Vera said...

great weekend plans & i just love porches :D

We're celebrating Queensday today in the Netherlands i wrote a little here and i will on my own blog today :D And for the rest... i've nothing planned... like it!!

Have a great weekend! X

Vera said...

ps the last photo is one of my favs i posted it a while back on my own blog :D

amy D said...

oh that last porch is my favorite! i want one!
i decided that this is a weekend for finishing. i vow to not start any new projects until I finish up all the old ones. *grin* hope your weekend is fantastic!

Becky Farley said...

I am 100% with you!! I LOVE porches so much! The house I grew up in had a porch with a swing! Now our porch is on the by of the home and last year I bought a big hammock for it! It's pretty perfect :)
My weekend will include my siblings coming home and sunshine and wakeboarding :)

Blogs said...

Yep! That would be so totally nice to sit out there with some tea:) Instead I'm faced with a cup of burnt tea (yes I burnt it by over heating it in the micro), in front of this screen-but at least I found this fabulous blog and I can daydream right along with you:)