Last Sunday, Poot and I set out to find the perfect Christmas Tree for Poot Manor. We headed out to Reindeer Lanes in hopes of getting one of their beautiful soft pines before they were all taken. We were in luck! After filling up on hot cocoa and saying hello to Donnor and Blitzen...
we walked through hundereds of pines looking for that "perfect" one.
I had to keep reminding Poot that our house is small and that we couldn't bring home one of the giant trees...
and to look for something just a little smaller!
We take tree shopping very serious, so we took our time meandering through the pines, stopping to inspect their shape here and there.
We finally found the one...
and it is perfect. We didn't mind that he was missing his top branch. I knew I could somehome rig my star topper at the top.
Thank you Poot for almost cutting your finger off just so we could take it home with us!
They sky that evening while driving home was beautiful. Pinks, oranges, and yellows... I tried to take a picture but it doesn't do it justice.
When we got home, we turned on some Christmas music and decorated him up!
I made sure to hang up my favorite ornament. It is a sled that my dad made when he was little out of popsicle sticks! It holds a special place in my heart! And so does this silly Santa...
I always made sure my mom hung him somewhere special in the house. This year he is watching over out tree!
I still have some more holiday cheer to sprinkle throughout Poot Manor. I hope to get it all up over the weekend.
Have you put up your tree yet? If so is it real or fake?
Well... I am off to have some Pad Thai with my Poot! Then I am going to work on my ornament for the Strumpets Crumpets swap and of course work on my Christmas gifts!!
Happy glad that tomorrow is Friday!!! yes!!!!
awwww! Umm Poot is the becky of your family, last night we got a tree and I wanted the biggest one lol we settled on the medium - it's cute.
ps christmas trees are expensive :(
I'm alil jealous you saw reindeer lol that's be so awesome!!!
yum pad thai!
I love the Poot tree!! :)
we're putting our tree up tomorrow!
i love your tree! it looks so happy!
I finally figured it out. Wayne Coyne. That's who your husband reminds me of. Does he hear that all the time?
I love pad thai too... in fact, I think I'll order in tonight :)
I love those reindeer! I don't even think I've ever seen a real one in person.
Your tree is so cute!
p.s. If you are interested I have a giveaway going on at my blog right now.
You may recognize some of the stickers! ;-)
Amylou <3
Christina...My hubby does look like Wayne doesn't he? He has been hearing it more and more these days. I don't complain. Ha!!
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