Today's list is from one of my best friends...Kerry! I feel so blessed to have her in my life. She is my go to girl for concerts, cooking, crafting, and Six Feet Under. I hope you enjoy her list as much as I did...
I totally dug Scott's idea, so I borrowed it & did the ABC's of things I'M thankful for. Whee! Thanks Amber for letting me post my silly list!
A- Adventures, big & small. NOTHING better than a roadtrip!!!
B- Bare feet. I'd never wear a shoe again... if they weren't so darn cute sometimes! ;)
C- Creativity. Where would I be without it? In the nuthouse, that's where.
D- Daniel Day Lewis. I am enamored with the talents of this man... his dedication to the characters he plays always blows me away!

E- ETSY! That's right, stealing that one from you, Amber!
F- Friends and Family... they're one in the same to me & I'm blessed to have each & every one. They're as diverse as they come & crazy too boot- I wouldn't have it any other way!

G- Great Outdoors! Camping, music festivals, BBQ-ing on the deck, gardening, picnics, unwinding around the fire barrel at Poot Manor, I love love love all of it! I'm an outdoor girl at heart! I'd be out there 24 hours a day sometimes if I could.

H- Horses. Yep. I dreamt constantly of them as a little girl & longed to have one of my own... I may not have so much free time to daydream now, but I WILL get my own horsey some day!

I- Ink. As in tattoos. I think they can be tasteful & beautiful whether you have 1 or 100! I'm always thinking of new ideas... & I admit I'm way behind on what I want done.
J- Taper JEAN Girl. Ok, ok, I'm cheating a little- but it's my favorite Kings of Leon song and I had to squeeze it in somewhere! I love to listen to it& dance around while I clean house.
K- Keith. Love of my life. My best friend and hands down funniest person I know. He gets me. Not a clue what I did before he came along!

L- Lake Pomme de Terre. We LOVE to visit Grandpa &Grandma there! We took Oliver for his first visit before he was even a month old- can't wait till he's big enough for a boat ride!
M- Meow meows. As in, our kitties, Ozzy& Hotsauce. Their antics endlessly amuse us!

N- Netflix. Fo' real!
O- Oliver. My precious precious baby boy... I never knew it was possible to love someone so much. Doesn't hurt that he's freakin' adorable! <3

P- Parchment Paper. What? I love to bake.
Q- Quirkiness. It's what makes people interesting, ya know? Ooh Ooh, and Queen- oh how they make me want to shake my booty!
R- Robots. Now that I have a son, I have an excuse to decorate a whole room with them. And I will!!!
S- Snickerdoodles. My favorite cookie! I have been making& eating WAY too many of these! Right out of the over... oooh I am drroling!!!
T- Texas. Sooo near & dear to my heart. My faovrite roadtrip destination... where oodles of family live, every Summer's McLendon Family Reunion is the highlight of my year!
U- Ukulele. They're little& adorable, they sound pretty, & anyone playing them always looks hilarious, no matter what!
V- VW Buses! Love love love! Oh yes, it will be mine!

W- Wayne Coyne. Without him there would be no Flaming Lips, & my heart would break.

X- eXperimenting in the kitchen. One of my favorite places to do this is Poot Manor... we always have a great time where food and silliness are envolved!
Y- Yoshimi. "Her name is Yoshimi, she's a blackbelt in karate..." Ok ok, more Flaming Lips. I can't help myself! But they make me sooo happy, & that IS something to be thankful for!
Z- Zeke and Stella- my pooches who I adore!!!

**All images are either Kerry's or found on**
I LOVE this ABC thankful list idea (Thanks Poot) if you would like to jump on board and do one here, just leave me a comment and I will schedule a Thankful Tuesday post for you! I think it would be fun to have this become a regular thing here on ye ole' blog.
So, what are you thankful for today?
Nice list...I think I am going to do one on my blog. :-)
awww :) Love it!!
Oliver's photo is so cute!!!
ps I'd be in the nut house too without crafting ;)
I'm thankful for heaters lol it's cold!!
i LOVE the abc list...i may have to steal the idea!!! :)
and i also am thankful for snickerdoodles. YUM my faves!
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